Over the years we have had the chance to interact with many like minded organizations and individuals. Check out what they have to say about Whispering Cove Retreat.
After 29 years of full time ministry as a Sr. Pastor, I can deeply appreciate the burden and passion that Bill and Jenny Shattuck have for ministering to hurting and discouraged Shepherds and Missionaries. Bill and Jenny are genuine dedicated followers of Christ, who have been faithful to God’s call on their lives to offer a healing refuge to those who serve on the front lines of leading God’s church in a desperate difficult world. Wounded leaders will find Bill and Jenny loving, warm, and caring, and ready to help them to the Christ who can do the impossible. I thank God that He has raised up Whispering Cove Retreat to care for the hurting ministry leaders He so dearly loves.
Rev. Jim Brackett
Founder of Living Loved Ministries, a counseling ministry to the Body of Christ
As founder and director of Life Connections Counseling Center, a Christian counseling center in Tampa, FL, I am always looking for good referral sources for people in ministry who need intense interventions, more than weekly counseling sessions can provide. Whispering Cove Retreat is at the top of our list. The care people receive there is warm and professional, often resulting in profound changes. Most of all, however, the staff of Whispering Cove are spiritually mature, deeply committed to following God’s leading in their work. God is using them powerfully in people's lives.
James Reed PhD Psychologist
Life Connections Counseling Center
I am honoured to be Bill & Jenny Shattuck's pastor. They have been members of New Covenant Church for several years. This has allowed me the opportunity to observe their character and giftings. They are both mature Christians who deeply love the Lord. Bill is a gifted teacher and Christian counselor. Their ministry has added to the overall health of our local congregation. I wholeheartedly recommend Whispering Cove Retreat as a place for healing and restoration for those in full time Christian ministry.
Rev. Nick Honerkamp
Pastor of New Covenant Church, Waynesville, NC
I would entrust my closest friends and dearest loved ones to Bill and Jenny Shattuck’s care at Whispering Cove Retreat. As a result of their caring for the wounded, I've seen remarkable differences in the lives of pastors and their spouses. I'm thankful this resource is available.
Dr. John W. Smith
Former National Director, PastorCare – a ministry to serving pastors needs
Barnabas Ministries is often a gatekeeper or referral outreach for hurting church leadership. How often we've heard the phrase "where were you when we needed you?" Whispering Cove Retreat in Western North Carolina is one such place where the wounded can go for help. In their program, Bill and Jenny Shattuck have been gifted with the ability to impart Godly discernment into the lives of ministry couples, allowing the Lord to begin the healing process. This place has become one of our top referrals.
Pastor Dick Sochacki
President of Barnabas Ministries of Michigan
Whispering Cove is one of the most beautiful retreat centers you can possibly imagine. Bill and Jenny Shattuck are among the most loving, caring persons you will ever meet. God has placed on their hearts a burden for helping Christian workers through the difficult times and places in their lives. They are dedicating their lives to that special service. God is blessing their ministry.
Dr. Charles Shepson
Founder and director of Fairhaven Ministries for thirty years
Fairhaven Ministries is an R&R retreat for Christian leaders.
We have been eagerly awaiting the realization of the dream of Whispering Cove Retreat. Watching the planning and development of this exquisite site has revealed not only the creative vision of Bill and Jenny Shattuck, but also their patient faithfulness to God's call. Their understanding and compassion for those in Christian ministry has finally come to full expression in the matchless sanctuary of their retreat facility. After directing Marble Retreat for 30 years, our experience tells us that the important factors of a pastoral retreat are confidentiality, creating a safe peaceful environment, and focused counseling. I believe these factors are the distinctive features of Whispering Cove Retreat.
Louis McBurney, MD Psychiatrist & Melissa McBurney
Founders of Marble Retreat – a counseling retreat that ministers to pastors and missionaries.
D.E.E.P. Ministries wholeheartedly recommends Whispering Cove Retreat to anyone in full time Christian ministry that is in need of renewal and restoration. We have been blessed to witness first hand how this comprehensive program has been used by the Lord to restore lives and salvage ministries by ministering to the whole person-spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. The retreat facilities are breathtaking. The program is Biblically based and is bathed in much prayer. Taking the time for this two week ministry program can make a difference for a life time.
Dan & Shan Rose
Founders of D.E.E.P. (Discipline, Equipping, Encouraging, & Partnering) Ministries- a paraclete ministry that comes alongside missionaries on the field for short term partnership, relief, and encouragement.
It has been my privilege to witness the building of the miracle at Whispering Cove Retreat. I’ve marveled, as I have seen the awesome work God has done in establishing Whispering Cove and in preparing the man behind this vision. Whispering Cove Retreat was developed for the purpose of honoring our Lord and for the healing and restoration of body, mind and spirit for those in Christian ministry. Enjoy the wonderful blessing our Lord has waiting for all those He draws to this very special place.
Guenther Penner
Founder, Quiet Reflections Retreat
As Vice-President of First Love Ministries of India, my wife Pam and I oversee orphanages in Bangalore and Calcutta India. In the beginning we felt that with proper food, shelter, clothing and education, all the needs of the children would be met. But we soon realized because of the terrible things they had experienced in life, leaving wounds that were not visible, the children needed much more than just addressing their physical needs. Therefore, the ministry soon added Christian counseling which made a big difference in the children's countenance and their ability to interact and learn. Their healing had to be of mind, body and spirit.
When Pam and I joined Whispering Cove Retreat as prayer partners, we quickly realized that this too was Bill and Jenny's goal for hurting pastors and missionaries. Whispering Cove not only addresses their physical needs by proper nutrition, rest and exercise, but just as importantly, focuses on the healing and restoration of their wounded hearts.
We sometimes fail to see pastors or missionaries as having human frailties. The truth is they have the same frustrations, troubles, and trials as we do, but they put their problems aside so they can help others. More often than not, they become overwhelmed. This is why I feel Whispering Cove is a much needed ministry.
As prayer partners, we have seen God transform, strengthen, and reconfirm the vision and calling of ministry couples.
We are thankful to Bill and Jenny for their obedience by allowing God to use them to answer the prayers of pastors and missionaries all over the world.
Mike Raby
Vice-President, First Love Ministries of India