Welcome to Whispering Cove Retreat’s web site. If you are struggling in your ministry with feelings of burnout, frustration, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, despair, pressures in ministry, marital conflict, or have secretly contemplated leaving the ministry… YOU ARE NOT ALONE!Studies show that pastors and missionaries are not immune to the stresses of daily living in a fallen world.
We all have the tendency to believe that we are the only ones who struggle with these issues. Therefore, I say it again: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! If you are browsing this web site looking for answers, Whispering Cove is here to help. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to honestly seek solutions to your present pain. This program is designed to help you find answers to your ministry struggles. Tour our entire web site to learn more about Whispering Cove and its program. Do not become another casualty of ministry. Please find help somewhere. |
Our MissionWhispering Cove was specifically created as an inter-denominational retreat where pastors, missionaries, and those in full-time Christian ministry can seek healing, restoration, and spiritual renewal. Providing a safe relational environment, in a peaceful, secluded mountain setting, Whispering Cove helps its guests honestly explore the origins of their present struggles in life and ministry. Our two week structured program integrates teaching, group, and individual ministry sessions, along with rest, exercise, and nutritious meals. |
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