Our Program

Whispering Cove is an inter-denominational retreat that provides a safe environment where pastors, missionaries, and those in full time Christian ministry can, along with their spouses, look for answers to their current life struggles. Our two week structured program enables you to slow down enough to listen to your own heart and God’s gentle whispering voice. Whispering Cove is a secure, restful place where you will find help in identifying the source and resolving what is triggering your present pain. Our integrated approach focuses on the whole person: physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
- Our program promotes rest and relaxation, both of which are often missing in lives devoted to ministry.
- We provide Biblically and psychologically integrated teaching sessions. Reflective assignments assist our guests to look inward as they identify developmental issues impacting their current life struggles.
- Each guest attends regular individual ministry sessions.
- Guests also attend daily group ministry sessions in a safe and open community of their peers, without the fear of being exposed, misunderstood, or judged. In this safe community, they are encouraged to be vulnerable and transparent by expressing unresolved pain, which brings healing to the heart.
- Daily journaling is a required part of our program. Journaling is a discipline of personal reflection and discovery that provides a record of our response to God’s whispering voice as we seek to understand ourselves.
- We offer nutritional education and delicious balanced meals that enhance physical health.
- All guests exercise half an hour each day using our state of the art exercise equipment to increase energy and motivation.