Guest Testimonials
from Glenn and Amy...
Amy and I were desperate. We were at the lowest point in our lives. We felt trapped, wondering if God had forgotten us. We wanted to run away from it all. But then God lead us to Whispering Cove Retreat which began an incredible time of healing, restoration, and rejuvenation!
Amy and I were desperate for relief. The pressures, strains and stresses of life in ministry can be great. Mere threads (with their fibers unraveling) were holding us to our calling to ministry and together as a couple. We were at the lowest point in our lives and were shocked and surprised to see just how low we had really gotten.
We felt trapped and we wanted to run away from it all, but having heard God’s clear call, we knew it would be disobedient to run which left us plummeting ever lower. We felt like there was no one we could trust or turn to, and we even wondered if God had forgotten us.
But then God lead us to Whispering Cove which began an incredible time of healing, restoration and rejuvenation! The result was so freeing. We experienced God’s amazing love as He spoke peace to deep wounds, old hurts, and set us free from strongholds we were not aware we ever had. It changed our perspective in so many ways, as well as lovingly and tenderly challenging us to pick ourselves up and grow in the truth God spoke to us. It even gave us new insight on how we’ve been called to minister.
Our time at Whispering Cove Retreat was such an incredible blessing to us as individuals, as a couple, as a family and to those we’ve been blessed to serve. Although two weeks might seem too long on the front side, Bill and Jenny Shattuck offer an unparalleled retreat experience for pastors and their spouses who need to be reminded just how much God loves them, and those fortunate enough to participate will be blown away by that love!
We leave stronger, healthier, more focused and with new friends dear to our hearts who continue to hold us up in prayer. What a blessing on so many levels! If you are relating even just a little to our story, this retreat is for you and well worth whatever it takes to get to Whispering Cove.